From Model to Implementation: A Network-Algorithm Programming Language.


Software-defined networking (SDN) is a revolutionary technology that facilitates network management and enables programmatically efficient network configuration, thereby improving network performance and flexibility. However, as the application programming interfaces (APIs) of SDN are low-level or functionality-restricted, SDN programmers cannot easily keep pace with the ever-changing devices, topologies, and demands of SDN. By deriving motivation from industry practice, we define a novel network algorithm programming language (NAPL) that enhances the SDN framework with a rapid programming flow from topology-based network models to C++ implementations, thus bridging the gap between the limited capability of existing SDN APIs and the reality of practical network management. In contrast to several state-of-the-art languages, NAPL provides a range of critical high-level network programming features, (1) topology-based network modeling and visualization; (2) fast abstraction and expansion of network devices and constraints; (3) a declarative paradigm for the fast design of forwarding policies; (4) a built-in library for complex algorithm implementation; (5) full compatibility with C++ programming; and (6) userfriendly debugging support when compiling NAPL into highly readable C++ codes. The expressiveness and performance of NAPL are demonstrated in various industrial scenarios originating from practical network management.

In SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
Jian Wang
Jian Wang
Ph.D. student in Computer Vision

My research interests encompass a broad spectrum of human motion and egocentric vision. Recently I am focusing on the egocentric human motion capture.